Visiting an auto repair shop: when is the best time?

 For the majority, time is something they wish they had more of. When it is about something to get done within a day, 24 hours look to be not enough. And they are trying to manage the car servicing within the tight schedule can mostly be tricky. And moving around without your own car adds stress to the already over-packed day plan.

Whether it is regular servicing or repair, visiting an auto repair shop doesn’t have to be bothersome. The suggestion is to pick the car repair time wisely. To help you avoid the time when most car repair shops are busy, we have shared the best time below.

auto repair shop

By day, week and season

Have a look at the adjoining segment to know when you can get comparatively less packed.

  • By Day

The morning is the first best time of the day when you can bring your car in. Or have your vehicle at the shop the night before it is scheduled for repair.

Over the way of a day, the technicians will quickly become overloaded with the cars to repair. And they will generally prioritize their works based on cars arrived first as well as the availability of the replacement parts. The more lately you arrive, the higher chance you will get your car until the next day. 

  • By Week

In a week, some days tend to be more packed than others. Generally speaking, Fridays and Saturdays are the busiest days for those shops which remain open on weekends. And Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the slowest days.

But let us clear a thing – often, the whole schedule varies from a shop to another.

auto repair shop

  • By Season

If you are one who has the luxury to choose a season over another, prefer winter and fall over summer and spring. Why? 

When the weather is comfortable and nice, more people pay attention to their vehicle for servicing or travel, and the car starts malfunctioning, calling for repair. It means people generally have access to auto repair shops during the summer and spring seasons. However, it’s wise not to take any risk if waiting for a particular season means being overdue for the service.  

A Trustworthy Auto Repair Shop to Visit

You can rely on startech auto repair with varied car servicing and repair. It is worth a trip to an auto repair shop ASAP! Visit for further info.  
